- Required Workplace Forms Updated for 2011
- Required Workplace Forms – Updated for 2012
- Federal Workplace Posters Updated for 2012
NOTE 1: Be sure you are using the correct form. There have been multiple revisions.
- Rev. 08/07/09 is the most recent revision, and has an expiration date 8/31/12.
- Rev. 02/02/09 is also an acceptable version.
- The revision date can be found on the lower right hand corner of the form.
- The expiration date is posted in the upper right hand corner of the form.
- Click here to download the current version of the Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification.
NOTE 2: I am frequently asked if there is a Spanish version of the Form I-9.
- Yes there is, but the Spanish version of Form I-9 may be filled out by employers and employees in Puerto Rico ONLY. Spanish-speaking employers and employees in the 50 states and other U.S. territories may print a copy for their reference, but may only complete the form in English to meet employment eligibility verification requirements.
- Section 1 of the Form I-9 in English has a space for Preparer and/or Translator Certification which is to be completed by a person other than the employee if such assistance is provided to the employee while completing the form.
- The Spanish version of the Form I-9 can be downloaded using the above link to the Form I-9.
Family & Medical Leave Act – FMLA
- Significant changes have been made to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) which became effective January 16, 2009.
- A summary of the new changes and some useful links for helping you understand them can be found in the December 18, 2008 issue of HR Update.
- A copy of the new required FMLA poster is available for downloading from our Federal Posters page.
- The Department of Labor has provided optional forms for use by employers and employees during the FMLA process:
- The Department has revised its Certification of Health Care Provider form (WH-380), and divided it into two separate forms:
- Employee’s Serious Health Condition (WH-380E) and
- Family Member’s Serious Health Condition (WH-380F)
- The Department has also revised its
- In addition, the Department has added new forms for
- Designation Notice to Employee of FMLA Leave (WH-382)
- Certification of Qualifying Exigency for Military Family Leave (WH-384) and
- Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of Covered Servicemember for Military Family Leave (WH-385)
- The new poster and forms became effective on January 16, 2009. Additional FMLA compliance assistance materials are available from the U.S. Department of Labor at
FORM W-4 and W-9
- Click here to download the 2011 Form W-4 directly from the IRS website.
- Click here to download the 2010 Forma W-4 (SP) in Spanish directly from the IRS website.
- Click here to download the Form W-9 from the IRS website.
- Click here for other IRS forms available for search and download in both English and Spanish.
- Be sure to post your OSHA Form 300A from February 1 to April 30 each year.
- Use the links below to download the Federal OSHA 300, 300A and 301 recordkeeping formsdirectly from the OSHA website.
- PDF FILE of OSHA Form 300, 300A and 301: http://www.osha.gov/recordkeeping/new-osha300form1-1-04.pdf
- MS Excel file of OSHA Form 300, 300A and 301 (tabbed spreadsheet)http://www.osha.gov/recordkeeping/new-osha300form1-1-04.xls
- TIP: Download the PDF file even if you plan to use the spreadsheet version of the documents. The PDF file contains the form instructions and “how-to” etc.
FOR OREGON EMPLOYERS: Oregon-OSHA Record Keeping Documents
- The link below will allow you to download the required Oregon OSHA (OR-OSHA) recordkeeping documents directly from the OR-OSHA website. You have several options to choose from: a pdf file, an MS Word document or an Excel spreadsheet. If you have difficulty downloading any of the forms, please contact me and I will email any of the forms directly to you.
- You can also obtain you own copy of the OR-OSHA Recordkeeping, Division 1 rules in an Adobe Acrobat file and the Workers’ Compensation forms by clicking the link below. The rules also detail the industries that are partially exempt from the recordkeeping requirements, as described in the January 20, 2009 HR Update article.
- http://www.orosha.org/standards/recordkeeping.html