Are you avoiding or inconsistently dealing with any employee performance, behavior and conduct issues?

It is fairly common for supervisors to avoid discussions and not documenting unacceptable employee behavior and performance.  These same employees may also have very positive performance reviews in their files. Three of the most important words in employment law are “document, document, and document.”  If you ever doubt this, talk to someone who has been […]

Educate your employees on sexual and other forms of workplace harassment and discrimination

Make “zero-tolerance for harassment and discrimination” a business priority. Your written policy should be clear, fair, enforced, and distributed to all employees.  Train your employees how to follow it and report incidents, and your supervisors on how to respond to reported incidents and enforce it. Having sound policies and procedures in place for employees to […]

Are you consistently documenting work practices?

Federal and State laws are very specific about certain documentation and recordkeeping requirements and the length of time you need to maintain certain records. Beyond the mandated requirements, a good rule of thumb is:  if an act or activity impacts the employment relationship (which includes any changes in wages, hours, the job – including performance […]

Be sure you are properly paying overtime to non-exempt employees

Be careful to properly draw the line between “exempt” employees and “non-exempt” (those entitled to receive overtime pay).  Paying employees a salary isn’t enough to avoid overtime. Unless employees are exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) by definition, you must pay them 1.5 times their regular hourly wage for all […]

Are you conducting background checks on your prospective employees?

A bad hire can be one of the most damaging events that can happen to a company. And a bad hire can happen with the best of intentions. Conducting reference checks, a criminal background check and verifying and validating information provided to you by a prospective employee can potentially save you immensely by avoiding productivity […]