On January 1, 2012 eight states and one city increased their minimum wage rates. Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Montana, Ohio, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and the city of San Francisco all increased their minimum wages on January 1. 18 states now have a minimum wage rate higher than the $7.25 federal hourly minimum wage which became effective […]
Oregon, Washington, Six Other States and San Francisco Increase Their Minimum Wage on January 1, 2012 – Download the New Required Posters Here
January 2, 2012 by
Required Workplace Forms – Updated for 2012
December 30, 2011 by
Below is a list of required workplace forms you can download directly from the agency that requires you to use their form. Scroll down the page to find more links. FORM I-9 NOTE 1: Be sure you are using the correct form. There have been multiple revisions. Rev. 08/07/09 is the most recent revision, and has an […]