Are You Using Outdated or No job descriptions?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has made it nearly mandatory to have appropriately written job descriptions.  This should be the very first step in a proper hiring process. Job descriptions should detail the essential duties, responsibilities and expectations of the position, and be written in a fashion which clearly describes the physical tasks required […]

Required Workplace Forms Updated for 2011

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Required Postings

FORM I-9   NOTE 1:  Be sure you are using the correct form.    There have been multiple revisions. Rev. 08/07/09 is the most recent revision, and has an expiration date 8/31/12. Rev. 02/02/09 is also an acceptable version.   The revision date can be found on the lower right hand corner of the form. The expiration date is […]

State Compliance Posters (OR, WA & CA) Updated for 2011

OREGON POSTING REQUIREMENTS Available in English and Spanish unless otherwise specified The responsible agency is listed by each poster description.  You can contact the agency directly or on their website to order hard copies of the posters, or follow the links below to obtain a free poster you can download and print right now.  There are […]

Federal Workplace Posters Updated for 2011

The revised federal posters can be downloaded below.  Employers subject to these federal laws are required to post and keep posted on its premises, in conspicuous places where employees are employed, a notice explaining the provisions of each law.   The FMLA optional forms are available for downloading from our Workplace Forms page. Federal Minimum Wage poster (regulated by the USDOL) […]


Do you have your Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Form 300A posted?  Should you?  Covered employers are required to post the Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses in their workplaces from February 1 until April 30, each year.  Form 300A reports the employer’s total number of deaths, missed workdays, job transfers or restrictions, and injuries and illnesses […]