Be careful asking inappropriate – or the wrong questions during an employment interview

Employers can inadvertently create potential legal problems by asking the wrong questions – with the best of intentions. Remember, it’s the impact you may have, and not your intentions, that can get you, as an interviewer, in trouble.  Anyone interviewing applicants should have a refresher about which questions are legally appropriate and which are not, […]

Do you have an outdated — or no employee handbook?

Many laws have changed — If you haven’t updated your employee handbook within the past year – it may be out of date.   As the laws and your policies and procedures change, your handbook needs to reflect those changes. With an up to date employee handbook an employer is able to clearly define the policies, […]

Required Workplace Forms – Updated for 2012

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Required Postings

Below is a list of required workplace forms you can download directly from the agency that requires you to use their form.  Scroll down the page to find more links. FORM I-9 NOTE 1:  Be sure you are using the correct form.    There have been multiple revisions. Rev. 08/07/09 is the most recent revision, and has an […]

Are You Using Outdated or No job descriptions?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has made it nearly mandatory to have appropriately written job descriptions.  This should be the very first step in a proper hiring process. Job descriptions should detail the essential duties, responsibilities and expectations of the position, and be written in a fashion which clearly describes the physical tasks required […]

Required Workplace Forms Updated for 2011

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Required Postings

FORM I-9   NOTE 1:  Be sure you are using the correct form.    There have been multiple revisions. Rev. 08/07/09 is the most recent revision, and has an expiration date 8/31/12. Rev. 02/02/09 is also an acceptable version.   The revision date can be found on the lower right hand corner of the form. The expiration date is […]